Title: Breaking Light on the Eastern Cleddau at Picton Point
Medium: Oil
Size: 46 cm x 76 cm Framed. 29 cm x 58 cm Image size (approx)
Price: £995.00 SOLD
Title: Winter Sun. Pembrokeshire Coast from Lydstep
Medium: Oil
Size: 18”x 22” Framed. 11″ x 15″ Image size
Price: £650.00 RESERVED
Title: Sunset over the Haven
Medium: Oil
Size: 45 cm x 56 cm Framed. 28 cm x 38 cm Image size (approx)
Price: £650.00
Title: Yacht on the Cleddau River
Medium: Oil
Size: 45 cm x 56 cm Framed. 28 cm x 38 cm Image size (approx)
Price: £650
Title: Winter Tranquility at Barafundle
Medium: Oil
Size: 46 cm x 56 cm Framed. 29 cm x 39 cm Image Size. (Approx)
Price: £650
Jon Houser is a Sageston based artist painting the surrounding Pembrokeshire Landscape and Dramatic Coast of West Wales in Oils.
Painting since taking an Access to Art Course at Carmarthen Art College in 1995 but largely self taught, Jon now exhibits in several Galleries in Pembrokeshire and has recently won Best Plein Air Painting and 2nd prize in the “Fresh Paint” Competition run by Picton Castle Studios and Fine Art Commissions, London.
Jon’s paintings are held in collections throughout the country, overseas and in the National Library of Wales.